Thursday, September 22, 2011

On a Scale of 1 to 10...

This is an ELEVEN!!! Today, I got a phone call from my best friend, Shalee Price, saying that she is PREGNANT!!!! I jumped off the couch, screaming when she told me. Fortunately, I didn't wake Mia from her nap. Shays has been wanting a baby for so long, and out of everyone on Earth, she deserves one the most b/c she is so loving and nurturing. Now, she gets the chance to have one. YAY!! I can't wait to hear all of her prego stories and see pictures of her belly, and above all meet the little nugget! :-)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Woman's Testimony of the Atonement

I was reading a Conference talk from April 2011 on the Atonement. It, like so many other talks before it, stated that there is no sin, pain, or other need that is not covered by the Savior's Atonement. I thought about that for a few moments, played devil's advocate for another few moments on how the Atonement couldn't cover a woman's spiritual and emotional needs b/c He is not a woman, and then had a completely humbling though interceed that of the previous.
I replayed some of the most poignant moments I've had in my life that required the Atonement. Whether I had been repenting or going through the loss of a child or giving birth to another child, I have felt the loving, healing power of the Savior. I have felt his arms enfold me at my weakest moments, and I have been given strength by him every time I have come to him. It does not matter that I am a woman, and that he was a man. He understands me and my needs, and he loves me and wants to help me.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Sick. I hate colds. They're so weighing on the soul. And what's unfair is Mia had a cold a couple of days ago, and she got better practically the next day. (She could be getting her two year molars in.) My colds last a week or more at least. Ugh!